Audio: Restless People, “Victimless Crime”

April 22, 2009

In a brief IM conversation about whether or not 1. "Victimless Crime" sounds at all like Operation Ivy and 2. whether or not it is appropriate to say that on, it was decided that Restless People have started a genre called "new teenager"—because old teenager was Operation Ivy and ska punk (Sidebar: Did you also just rediscover how amazing a song "Friday Night, Saturday Morning" is?) is not what today's teens are interested in, it's too naive. Restless People, a new project comprising all of Tanlines and some of Professor Murder, takes the spirit and complicates it. Check the vocal tone and rhythm, the way the shaker sounds like a stroked guitar. But they've got an electronic fuss and steady backbeat, too, a fruitful, solid merging of the two groups from which they came. And keeping it futuristic, they're releasing the music via a new online venture, Family Edition.

Stream: Restless People, "Victimless Crime"

Audio: Restless People, “Victimless Crime”