Watch a Short Film Inspired by The Body’s I Shall Die Here

Jason Evans directed a short film inspired by geological change and The Body’s I Shall Die Here.

April 04, 2014

As always with The Body-related missives, there's a kind of not entirely explained but all-encompassing dread hanging over this short film by Jason Evans, set to music from the Portland duo's new The Haxan Cloak-produced LP, I Shall Die Here. It's winter, and a man is living all by himself in a pretty comfortless-looking log cabin. He starts cutting up old books and newspaper clippings relating to natural disasters, and burns them in a fire. Then, he tries to bury himself alive. According to the director, "I had this image of a man, his face covered in dirt, but his arms still moving and his eyes open. Body and soil. The image reminded me of the kind of parallels artist Robert Smithson made between geological change and the fragility of the mind, which in turn gave me the emotional content of the film." Grab a copy of I Shall Die Here via RVNG Intl., and peep a list of The Body European tourdates below.

4/11 Tilburg, Netherlands - Het Patronaat (Roadburn Festival)
4/12 Leipzig, Germany - Doom over Leipzig Festival
4/13 Prague, Czech Republic - Chapeau Rouge
4/14 Vienna, Austria - Fluc
4/15 Milan, Italy - Lo-fi Club
4/16 Bologna, Italy - Freakout Club
4/17 Lausanne, Switzerland - Le Romandie
4/18 Kortrijk, Belgium - De Kreun
4/19 Paris, France - Stoned Gatherings
4/20 Amsterdam, Netherlands - SOTU Festival
4/22 Glasgow, UK - Audio
4/23 Manchester, UK - Roadhouse
4/24 Bournemouth, UK - The Winchester
4/25 Bristol, UK - St Thomas Church
4/26 London, UK - The Underworld (Desertfest)
4/27 Antwerp, Belgium - Kavka
4/28 Koln, Germany - Sonic Ballroom
4/29 Esslingen, Germany - Komma
4/30 Weikersheim, Germany - Club W71
5/01 Nuremberg, Germany - K4
5/02 Berlin, Germany - Jagerklause
5/03 Copenhagen, Denmark - Heavy Days in Doomtown Festival
5/04 Aalborg, Denmark - 1000Fryd

Watch a Short Film Inspired by The Body’s I Shall Die Here