Itemized: Supra Wrap Sneakers

In which we wax poetically about our fave item in the fashion market.

April 22, 2014

Twice a month, a different FADER staff member will pick a clothing item or accessory that he or she has lately been spending a lot of time with—or would like to—and write a little love letter to it. We would’ve done a column on who we’re dating but that seemed a little bit much. This week, Steven talks about Supra's Wrap sneaker.

When it comes to shopping, I'm a creature of habit. Everytime I walk into a store I find myself gravitating toward items that are black, blue or grey. So on the odd occasion when I pick up something outside of this narrow color spectrum, like a green t-shirt or beige pair of khakis, I feel extra accomplished. Sneakers are no different. Feeling adventurous the other day, I grabbed this red pair of Supra Wraps. Somehow, they bring me back to my super colorful middleschool skateboarding days, yet make me feel like a grown-up at the same time. My favorite part is the black speckles, which make the shoe look funky up close but distinguished from far away. Not to mention they're my third pair of Supras, a brand I'm fond of because of their understated, futuristic vibes. The only problem is, now I'm tempted to order the grey pair of Wraps, too. Seems like this creature has already formed a new habit.

From The Collection:

Itemized: Supra Wrap Sneakers