Girl Wonder

September 15, 2005

Okay-kay-kay, lets just get it out of the way and say that yes, that is a Robin-esque superhero eye mask that Feist was wearing around her neck all last night at the Knitting Factory. Yes, it was awesome. Yes, she was awesome.

To be honest, we could leave it at that and then just post more of these sweetly grainy live pics after the jump, cause overarching "Feist = Rad" sentiments do a better job of summing up our feelings for the truly special Canadian singer/songwriter more than, like, typing out her setlist. But in the interest of "facts" and "reporting" we will say that she performed a number of tracks with a full band (including a trumpeter/xylophonist and the Apostle Of Hustle), as well as encoring with a fragile and bluesy solo version of Let It Die highlight "Inside And Out", switching up the rhythm completely and making the Bee Gees cover seem even more bittersweet. It was awesome.

Posted: September 15, 2005
Girl Wonder