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Video: The Ruby Suns, “Tane Mahuta”

February 28, 2008

We talked to Auckland, New Zealand's the Ruby Suns not too long ago (read that here) and the thing that struck us most was his story about their tour bus catching fire, incinerating all their belongings and resulting in a benefit show at a church in small town Washington. Their antics ended up on the front page of that town's paper, which may have inspired them to create this tabloidy video for the excellent "Tane Mahuta" off Sea Lion. Or not. We're reaching probably. Regardless, Ruby Suns will be at SXSW this year playing a bunch of shows (wink wink), so if you're down there make sure to check them out.

Posted: February 28, 2008
Video: The Ruby Suns, “Tane Mahuta”