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F2 Issue 4: The New Folk

November 11, 2008

Introducing the latest issue of our digital-only quarterly F2, powered by Timberland, which focuses on the New Folk. There is a tendency in modern folk music to always look to the past for guidance and inspiration. If The Band or Bob Dylan did it before, then it's probably a good idea. The key to being a successful and, more importantly, good folk artist in 2008 is to nod to the past while simultaneously venturing forth into new territory. The artists featured in this issue of F2 — The Entrance Band, Mariee Sioux, Michael Gira, Phosphorescent and Quinn Walker — have achieved this balance, creating dynamic music with every bit as much heart as the folk music of prior generations. They may glance backward, but they are firmly planted in the now. Beards still included.

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Posted: November 11, 2008
F2 Issue 4: The New Folk