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FADER TV: Lucky Dragons Makes Us A Baby

June 09, 2008

Luke Fishbeck aka Lucky Dragons has a lot of wires that he knitted colorful coozies for, and connected braided tin to the end of and when you hold one of the wires in your hand and someone else holds one and you touch each other, it makes noises. If you have ever touched someone and had them make noise, you know it's nice. And when that's shifted by a computer and a tall, soft spoken, half halo-haired man from California it's extra exaggerated. Fishbeck came to our conference room (and Madison Square Park) and gave us an explanation and demonstration of his Make A Baby project. It's like when Tom Hanks jumps on the keyboard steps in Big. Or when you go to the aquarium for the first time and you realize that's what a starfish feels like, self discovery, science and a taste of natural sorcery.

Posted: June 09, 2008
FADER TV: Lucky Dragons Makes Us A Baby