FADER TV: The Horrors Come Stateside, Aren’t Brooding

May 07, 2009

When we sat for wine and cheese with The Horrors earlier this week—the week of the release of their second album, Primary Colours—we weren't sure what to expect. They're kind of famous in Europe! They're heartthrobs with fan websites! Were they going to be gloomy and quiet? Mean and aloof? Well, uh, no, singer Faris Badwan and guitarist Josh Hayward asked us to make funny faces and told us about their day off visiting museums in Manhattan. Fun! We were kind of disappointed. We wanted them to put a spell on us and call us heathens. But a discussion on living up to the hype and flea marketed photos works, too. Check out Primary Colours streaming in its entirety and judge their bleakness for yourself.

Posted: May 07, 2009
FADER TV: The Horrors Come Stateside, Aren’t Brooding