Itemized: Adidas SLVR Unlimited Edition Tee

August 25, 2009

Every week a different FADER staff member will pick a clothing item or accessory that he or she has lately been spending a lot of time with—or would like to—and write a little love letter to it. We would’ve done a column on who we’re dating but that seemed a little bit much. This week Chioma Nnadi writes about the Adidas SLVR Unlimited Edition tee.

Every now and again I like to banish entire sections of my closet all together. One time I went a whole year without wearing jeans and then a few years ago I stopped wearing T-shirts. Without getting too deep into the psychology of it, I think there is something extremely liberating about going without the things we rely on most. Think of it as a master cleanse for your wardrobe. I starting wearing plain tees again a couple of years ago, but it's taken a while for me to ease into anything with words on it—the No Age shirt I bought last summer was a HUGE exception. I am actually really weird about typography, so please do not email me in anything other than helvetica size 12 font.

That being said, I can't say I'm a big fan of Times New Roman, but there is something about this shirt that I really like. It's cut from one huge piece of fabric that reads "This is an unlimited edition," so every piece is unique. Inside jokes aside, the lettering is so gigantic it almost looks like I have zebra stripes across my back, and since I've been having an animal print moment this summer, it's obviously a type-face that suits me just fine.

From The Collection:

Itemized: Adidas SLVR Unlimited Edition Tee