Cool Hunting Turned Into Their Parents

September 08, 2010

By the nature of having a website called "Cool Hunting," we generally expect the site to post, like lava lamps made out of space dust that run on the power of Ornette Coleman saxophone solos. And not, uh, videos about Brimfield, the giant antique fair we avoided going to with our parents from years birth to forever. Actually, maybe a better title for this post should have been Cool Hunting Turned Into Our Parents. Regardless of which old folks Cool Hunting has morphed into, the point is that "cool" is an amorphous, wonderful concept and we like watching this one dude buy signs and this other guy show off his International Brotherhood of Magicians flag. Not that we would be caught buying old stuff at Brimfield (which happens three times a year in Massachusetts) or whatever. Check the collectors video above and the dealers after the jump.

Posted: September 08, 2010
Cool Hunting Turned Into Their Parents