Daily Inspiration: Remarc, “Press the Buzzer”

October 21, 2010

Welcome to a new daily feature on TheFADER.com. We stole it from the internet. If we see something that reminds of something else, we’re just gonna post that something else.

Remember jungle? We do! We needed some excitement in the office so it was like, time 2 listen to jungle! We had to take a photo on Photobooth (shout to MacBook Pros) and you have to "press the buzzer" on the screen to make the picture go, so we pressed the jungle buzzer on this sick Remarc jam we downloaded on our T1 line in college like 10 years ago and blew dorm minds. Year or two later when we got The Winstons LP it was like swimming through a break break haze that so much came from so little. Gospel drums = a bunch of parties in the UK we were not old enough or in England to go to. Bummer! But that is some ill transitive property. Today is real hyper!

Daily Inspiration: Remarc, “Press the Buzzer”