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Major Lazer, “Who Run De Floor on Halloween? (AnimalStatus RMX)” MP3

Photographer Gabriele Stabile
October 28, 2010

Halloween probably deserves a better tradition of music than it's historically gotten. It probably has nearly as many movies devoted to it as Christmas, but you never see bands recording Halloween albums as placeholders to get them out of their deals with labels they hate, you know? And the music that is associated with the holiday is usually only earns that association in retrospect, not intent, or is awful. "Monster Mash"? The latter. Misfits? The former. Insane Clown Posse? PUBLIC OPINION IS SHIFTING. Anyway, who better to take a stab at the Halloween song thing than a white guy using the built-in costume of a blaster-armed Jamaican mercenary? It's mostly a pretty straight take on "Pon De Floor" with dialogue and John Carpenter's theme from the original Halloween cut in, but it's a start.

Download: Major Lazer, "Who Run De Floor On Halloween? (AnimalStatus RMX)" (via YANP)

Major Lazer, “Who Run De Floor on Halloween? (AnimalStatus RMX)” MP3