Sad Rivers Cuomo is the New Keyboard Cat

January 04, 2011

This morning Stereogum brought us news that Weezer scion Rivers Cuomo has covered The Beach Boys' classic heartbreaker "God Only Knows." Cuomo, on his depressingly named YouTube account, "RiversCuomoAlone," sits down in a small studio and slowly bangs it out. His eyes are closed, he's eating his lips, it's the most sullen Cuomo we've seen since Pinkerton. Where have you been, buddy? We take no qualms with Cuomo's personal contentment, but nothing Weezer is more beloved than his eking out his personal problems with tender melodies. And, in YouTube terms, nothing is more welcome than a video of a cat playing the piano. Below are the original videos of both. Press play on both and then stare at the above, the greatest duet we can hope one day comes to fruition. Though we heard the OG keyboard cat died :(. Play us out!

Sad Rivers Cuomo is the New Keyboard Cat