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Staff Affections: Blake Scotland on Torn

July 07, 2011

Every other Thursday, Stephanie Osei asks employees and employers at our favorite shops around the world what their most cherished in-store item is for our column Staff Affections. This week, she caught up with New York City boutique Blake Scotland about the Eva Long Dress by Torn.

How did you discover Ronny Kobo’s Torn label? I discovered Torn through my friend Mia. She works with the line, but also wears it constantly and to me that's a sign that it really is as good as it looks.

Why do you love the Eva Long Dress by Torn? I've liked this dress from the moment it came into the store. The horizontal stripes seem intimidating on the rack, but on almost any body type, it’s immediately flattering to the figure.

You recently changed the store name from Ferality to Blake Scotland. Why the transition? The reason for the change was that it was hard to pronounce, people didn’t know how to say it or knew what it meant. We wanted the primary focus to be on the product and the merchandise. We work really hard to bring in incredible pieces and incredible designers. I also think the name Blake Scotland is a great branding decision because it’s unisex. It can be either men’s or women’s. It’s easy to say, and easy to remember.

Is the unisex customer important to you? We have, from the beginning, done men’s and women’s clothing. But I love doing men’s buying because it’s really a challenge, and men are some of our best clients. There’s also not a lot for men in this neighborhood. Keeping everything unisex is important to make both genders feel welcome.

What pieces have your customers been requesting? Men this summer have come in asking for short sleeved button downs. Warriors of Radness are doing some short sleeved button downs that are really fun. Women are loving anything floor length like the Torn dress or the Sophomore maxi dresses.

What goes into putting the store together? I really wanted it to be an open door policy for people to have fun and feel comfortable here. I didn’t want an exclusive stuffy feeling. And I think we achieved that through the decoration of the store. I worked with this great decorator Myles Henry and he was great about bringing in vintage pieces and warmer accessories that made this space feel very welcoming.

From The Collection:

Staff Affections
Staff Affections: Blake Scotland on Torn