Here’s how you can help musicians and artists who’ve been affected by the Los Angeles wildfires.

Watch Every Episode of VFILES’ “What The F*shion?”

August 27, 2013

Every single person I know told me pretty much every day that I needed to be watching Breaking Bad this summer, but actually, my shows of the moment have been that Larry David HBO special, old episodes of RHOATL and "What The F*shion?", the online program that's the brainchild of media conglomerate VFILES and comedienne Casey Jane Ellison. Now, for the fifth and final episode, it's nice to take a look back at all the LOLs: acting as a parody of too many people we know IRL, Casey, in her best vocal fry, teaches us how to be a foodie, be edgy, coordinate our Hood by Air to our sneaker wedges and, in the most recent episode, tells us what #KREAYSHAWNESE means. Watch them all here.

Watch Every Episode of VFILES’ “What The F*shion?”