Jam City Politicizes The Feel-Good Tune On “Proud”
“’Proud’ is a promise and a certainty, the sound of leaves falling, grass growing,” says the Night Slugs producer.

How do you round off an album that deals with the fallout of capitalism? What note do you end on? If you're Jam City, you choose pride. Most likely because, as he explains in today's GEN F profile, the system so often leaves us feeling worthless. "Proud," the closer to Jam City's Dream A Garden, marries snaking electric guitar lines with the comforting hum of a warm synth. It's a feel-good song—and, heaven knows, we all need to feel good to stand a chance of making a difference in this world.
"'Proud' is a promise and a certainty, the sound of leaves falling, grass growing, the sound of a sun setting, or a moon rising, a mantra and a memorial," Jam City told The FADER. "It's a reminder that to love one another is to radically re-order our earth. It makes new worlds possible, makes portals appear in quiet city streets, makes you disappear sometimes. It's truly a pleasure to share it with you." Night Slugs will release Jam City's new album, Dream a Garden, on March 23rd (pre-order it here).