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Brenmar And UNiiQU3 Made A Glorious Hula Hooping Video

A great track gets a visual to match.

July 09, 2015

Brenmar and UNIIQU3 dropped a highly-entertaining video for “Hula Hoop” today. The song is a frenetic, brassy celebration of hip-gyration, and like many of the best dance tracks, it’s commanding—“Let’s go,” “to the left, to the right,” “up and down”—as well as playful. The clip is obviously a hula-hooping extravaganza. By the end, everyone has upgraded to using light-up hoops, which make glow sticks seem awfully boring. Watch below, and revisit UNIIQU3’s FADER mix.

Brenmar And UNiiQU3 Made A Glorious Hula Hooping Video