Frank Ocean Might Be Working With SebastiAn On New Material
The situation remains unclear as ever.

Now that fall is definitely here, the hot days in July waiting by the phone for a new Frank Ocean album seem very far away. After a few more months of silence, it now seems that there's finally some news about the follow-up album to 2012's Channel Orange. According to a new interview, Ocean has apparently been working in the studio with French DJ/producer SebastiAn.
In an interview with French magazine Les in Rocks, Ed Banger (SebastiAn's label) founder Pedro Winter, aka Busy P, said, "SebastiAn just finished production on a few pieces for Frank Ocean—a truly exciting collaboration—and then he will finally be able to turn to his second album."
But in a statement issued to The FADER, Winter played down his remarks: "SebastiAn met Frank Ocean few times, that's all we know. For further infos please contact Frank's management."
In an email to The FADER, a rep for Ocean could neither confirm or deny that the two have worked together.
For the obsessives—here's everything we know so far about Frank Ocean's second album.