This Picture Of Drake Looking At His Phone Has Become A Really Good Meme

This one’s for anyone who’s ever stared at a text from an angry person.

August 25, 2016

Drake has managed to control how and where the internet memes him in shrewd and decidedly brilliant ways. But social media has a life of its own, and the image macros aren't stopping any time soon. Case in point: yesterday morning, Twitter user @TheJ_Miles sent a tweet attached to a picture of Drake looking blankly at his phone, imagining that the rapper is receiving a text from a furious spouse.


Soon, @KaelaKolossal and other users followed suit. Their tweets are all hilarious, and perfectly capture the milliseconds after you've received distressing news, and your brain is still deciding what your face should look like. Check them out below:

This Picture Of Drake Looking At His Phone Has Become A Really Good Meme