On November 19, the family of Malik "Phife Dawg" Taylor, who passed away in March, will hold an unveiling ceremony for a recently renamed portion of Linden Boulevard at 192nd Street in Queens. The corner is prominently featured in A Tribe Called Quest's "Check The Rhyme" video and now bears a mural dedicated to the late rapper.
"The thought of having Linden Boulevard at 192, renamed to Malik 'Phife Dawg' Taylor is indescribable," Phife's wife Deisha Head Taylor said in a statement. "This is a perfect representation of who Malik was, and what Queens meant to him. Whenever he mentioned Queens, Linden Boulevard at 192, was a focal point of reference, so I am certain he would be pleased with having it renamed in his honor."
The unveiling ceremony will take place in St. Albans, Queens on Saturday, November 19 at 1 p.m., one day before Phife Dawg's birthday.