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Michelle Obama Responds To Trump Administration’s Rollback Of School Lunch Requirements

“Why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you?”

May 13, 2017

On Friday, Michelle Obama made her first public speaking appearance since leaving the White House at the Partnership For A Healthier America 2017 Summit. In addition to talking about life post-presidency, Obama had some stern things to say about the Trump administration's announcement earlier this month that that they would be rolling back school lunch nutritional requirements.


In the 43-minute conversation, Obama criticized the move by saying there's something wrong if an administration does not want kids to practice healthy eating at school.

"This is where you really have to look at motives, you know," Obama said. "You have to stop and think, why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you? And why is that a partisan issue? Why would that be political? What is going on?"


Earlier this month, the Trump Administration announced that they would be loosening school lunch regulations that were established by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, an act that was also apart of the "Let's Move" campaign spearheaded by the first lady during her time in office. By loosening the regulations, schools can now apply to be exempt from having to serve whole grains. It would also allow schools to delay a sodium mandate that would require them to decrease the amount of sodium in the lunches, and allow them to serve 1% flavored milk again.

Watch a clip of the talk above, and the full video here via C-Span.

Michelle Obama Responds To Trump Administration’s Rollback Of School Lunch Requirements