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Listen to Amen Dunes’ engaging new album Freedom

Damon McMahon shares his gorgeous fifth LP as Amen Dunes.

March 30, 2018
Listen to Amen Dunes’ engaging new album <i>Freedom</i> Michael Schmelling / Courtesy of the artist

A couple of months ago, we premiered "Blue Rose," a new song from Amen Dunes (the project of New York based musician Damon McMahon) that opens his enthralling fifth LP Freedom. Today, that album is out in full via Sacred Bones, and it's well worth an attentive listen. The record's eleven tracks offer deeply personal meditations on masculinity and death, frequently toying the line between psychedelic and sobering. It's an easy contender for one of the best rock releases of the year thus far. Listen below, and check out Amen Dunes' tour dates here.

Listen to Amen Dunes’ engaging new album Freedom