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Kanye West convinced Pusha-T to use Whitney Houston’s bathroom as the DAYTONA album cover

Kanye insisted on the photo and paid $85,000 for the rights, Pusha said in a new interview.

May 24, 2018
Kanye West convinced Pusha-T to use Whitney Houston’s bathroom as the <i>DAYTONA</i> album cover Pusha-T performs at the Best Buy Theater. March 4, 2011.   Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images

The cover art for Pusha-T's new album DAYTONA, out May 25, is reportedly a 2006 photo of Whitney Houston's bathroom. Twitter's @TeamKanyeDaily pointed out the selection, and included a link to the DAYTONA album at Pusha-T's webstore.


Pusha-T discussed the cover in a new interview with Angie Martinez, as Pigeons & Planes reports. He claimed Kanye West pushed hard for the picture's inclusion – Pusha T said Kanye called him at 1 a.m. on Wednesday and convinced him to discard the previously approved album covers in favor of the Houston bathroom photograph. "This is what the people need to see to go along with this music," Pusha says Kanye told him.

The 2006 photograph was reportedly released after Houston's death in 2012, Pitchfork writes. The picture came with a $85,000 licensing fee, which Pusha did not want to pay, so Kanye personally covered the cost himself.

Kanye West convinced Pusha-T to use Whitney Houston’s bathroom as the DAYTONA album cover