Foster The People have been back in the news recently because of an strange reason: the Jeffery Epstein scandal. In the last couple of weeks, the official @fosterthepeople Twitter account has become a bizarre font of conspiracy theories around Epstein's suicide, with band lead singer Mark Foster tweeting a series of galaxy-brain tweets about how the dead body clearly wasn't actually Epstein's.
we talked conspiracy theories. we talked public apologies. but our unfiltered thoughts on the #EpsteinCoverUp mostly fueled this new @timecrisis2000 episode💥 https://t.co/SFni2wDJBR
— Foster The People (@fosterthepeople) August 18, 2019
Now, Foster has, naturally, gone on Ezra Koenig's Beats 1 radio show Time Crisis to discuss his Epstein conspiracy theories. During the episode, Foster stresses that he's just an amateur, and doesn't know any scientific detail around Epstein's death, and that he's just a strong believer in the theory. It's an interesting listen — hear the episode above.
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