Last year, a shoegaze project out of South Korea sparked a wave of devotion from indie rock nerds who spend a lot of time on Bandcamp. To See the Next Part of the Dream from Parannoul had an endearing, blown-out sound and a studious devotion to souring moments that both suggested a heart too big for its own chest. It's been a year since that project was released, and on Tuesday Parannoul shared White Ceiling / Black Dots Wandering Around, a collection of songs recorded for the album that didn't make the cut (as well as a demo version of the album track "White Ceiling.")
Unsurprisingly, the project absolutely rips. Highlights include opener "Escape," which encapsulates the serrated epic alt-rock sound Parannoul does so well, the rocket ship that is "Soft Bruise," and the extended piano-driven balladry of "Growing Pain." "To celebrate the 1st anniversary," Parannoul wrote on Bandcamp. "I decided to release the B-side EP that were failed to be included in last year's album. Thank you!" Listen below.