David Gordon Green Realizes His Dream of Ridiculousness

September 30, 2008

Over the years, we have shown generous support for filmmaker David Gordon Green. In FADER Number 6, we put him in the Gen F section based on his debut film George Washington and later expanded and expounded on his oeuvre with a full-length feature in FADER Number 25. The first sentence in the first story was Green saying, "I want to make epic comedy westerns and ridiculous things I have no business making." Jump eight years later and he's given the world Pineapple Express and, finally, an acceptable reason to fawn over James Franco, and now Green is setting his sights on animation with "Good Vibes" a new half-hour series for Fox co-produced with the guys who just debuted "The Life and Times of Tim" on HBO (view a scene from it above). Does Green's foray into weed comedy (marijuamedy) and the realm of "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" mean the end of the kind of work evident in his early, more serious films? Not exactly. He's also currently writing a screenplay called Goat, which is not about LL Cool J but a brutal fraternity hazing. Here's to mixing it up!

Posted: September 30, 2008
David Gordon Green Realizes His Dream of Ridiculousness