Here’s how you can help musicians and artists who’ve been affected by the Los Angeles wildfires.

Popcorn Alert!

March 27, 2007

Not sure which action flick of questionable merit has us more psyched today: Stringer Bell killing mad zombies in 28 Weeks Later (trailer above), or Tego Calderon as the baddie in John Singleton and Franc Reyes's upcoming Illegal Tender. Gotta go with IT, if only for its extra on-point use of Shannon's "Let The Music Play" during the execution flashback and the casting of (we're almost positive) one of the girls from Sporty Thievz's "Cheapskate" video, scene three. Yes, we do realize this girl would have had to not age a day since that video was filmed. Time travel, duns.

Posted: March 27, 2007
Popcorn Alert!