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Hey, This Abe Vigoda Song Is Awesome

January 24, 2008

Remember when we posted Abe Vigoda's "Animal Ghosts" nine and a half months ago? (Long enough for a baby to gestate and then be born half a month). Because we kind of remembered but not that much but then—lo, hark, whatever—20jazzfunkgreats put up the mp3 and we remembered on some repressed memory type shit (deep Law and Order style [we see you Dick Wolf {we see you in line at the bank cashing syndication checks}]). Okay, go open that dealie in a new window and come back here. Okay because listen to the first five seconds: first time the riff goes through it's dude guitar on the beach alone, then it's riffing with your buddy in the Bahamas on Spring Break with two guitars. And then the drums come in. They could have started with the drums flat blasting but they warm you to the loop, seed the jam tangle so it don't get lost and it doesn't and the whole time the song is going you are going nerr nerr nerr nerr nerr nah and it is because of those five seconds, we promise. And numberoonie dos, (if these are the lyrics), at one minute 47 secs dude says "I love my life" once and then after says "I like my life" eight times. What happened between for one love to turn immediately into eight likes? Actually if that isn't the lyrics don't tell us because that kind of western punk mystery is conundrum brain fuel keep goingness.

Posted: January 24, 2008
Hey, This Abe Vigoda Song Is Awesome