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NYC: Psych Party At Soundfix

May 28, 2008

Soundfix (N. 11 & Bedford) in Williamsburg is giving us all a chance to mellow out, smoke a "special" cigarette and head over to listen to some psych, watch The Who's Tommy and the Monkees' Head, and then maybe bro down (see also: nerd out) with the other dudes there about rare psych records. Okay so we added the last part ourselves, but that will probably happen. We also hope to see someone playing the air sitar. Beards required! (Beards are not required). The music starts at 9:30, and who cares when the films start because we're just rolling with it at this point. Full flyer after the jump.

Posted: May 28, 2008
NYC: Psych Party At Soundfix