Style: Phenomenon F/W 09 Collection

November 12, 2008

What if Tron met Japanese anime over coffee and decided to make a clothing line? You'd get Tokyo-based label, Phenomenon. The label came into being somewhere in the depths of a world where corn husks and ultra bright paint are considered plausible hair ornaments. After the initial shock of electric color and corn husk combos wore off, we noticed the adventurous ideas in the pieces. Individually, they are versatile—a green army poncho here, an elaborately patterned shift dress there—the colors are playful and the military styles are reminiscent of a more classical concept. But it’s the wearability that distinguishes it from other conceptual lines, maintaining a sense of imagination even without the red hair paint and tape shoes.

Posted: November 12, 2008
Style: Phenomenon F/W 09 Collection