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Exclusive Freeload: Brothers FADER Mix

April 04, 2008

Brothers are kind of the unsung heroes of Brooklyn right now. The two producers have their paws on a grip of projects, each unique and nutty in their own right, some more well-known than others. So we asked dudes to put together a sampler mix of their remixes and productions and they gave us this glitched-out romp of liquid synths and changing tempos. We were jamming it on the way to work this morning and envisioned the L train turning into a disco of sweaty bodies chanting loudly in unison, which actually happened minus the disco and dancing and unity. Also, at 13:45 you get an unreleased track from a project between !!!’s Tyler Pope and Spank Rock’s Naeem Juwan where Naeem kind of sounds like David Bowie and there’s tons of static behind the beat but it’s still danceable. Check the tracklist and their Beat Construction from F53 after the jump.

Download: Brothers FADER Mix (right click, save as)


Halro Lee - Lingterlude

Telepathe - Chromes On It

The Emergency - Too Much (Brothers Remix)

Free Blood - Royal Family (Brothers Remix)

??? - Untitled

!!! - Bend Over Beethoven

Professor Murder - Dutch Hex (Trey Told 'Em Remix)

Professor Murder - Flex-it Formula

Holy Fuck - Lovely Allen (Brothers Remix)

!!! - Heart of Hearts (Brothers Remix)

Good Morning - Driving to Yardley

Beat Construction:

Family Matters

Brothers explore the dancefloor's outer limits

These days kids are crying for dancefloor heat and Brothers are spitting out the fire. Their productions are frantic and weird melodic bangers for the loft set, the sound of a new Brooklyn indie movement that’s not ashamed to have digested just as much Detroit techno as it has Pavement. From the spastic dance punk of !!! to the noisy calisthenics of Pterodactyl, Brothers help nouveau dance bands craft outsider music for the discotheque—loading their tracks with wandering guitars, syncopated congas and the sandpaper growl of distorted bass. As collaborators and sound auteurs, they work closely with the vision of each band setting foot in their modest studio. “Things can often change when you’re in a studio setting—your perception of things can change,” says Joshua Ryan, who along with older sibling Eric Emm, make up the production duo. “We try to not feel any kind of coldness or distance from being able to act naturally and have a good time.”

Aside from teenage experiments with a four-track in their parents’ Pittsburgh basement (“We really did just crazy improvisational noise music for several days,” says Emm) the two never really collaborated on music until around 2002—Emm played bass in mathy, experimental rock bands Don Caballero and Storm & Stress, while Ryan dove headfirst into techno, releasing a steady stream of singles and remixes under his own name since 1998. “The way I approach rhythm is so dramatically different than somebody who produces dance music—my natural inclinations are to do things in a complex way,” says Emm. “There was a convergence in that [Ryan] was making progressive house music and I was making progressive rock music.” Still there are disagreements. “We have differing opinions on what might motivate one to dance,” says Ryan.

After building an initial studio and creating some tracks together—including the lauded trance rock anthem “Blazer,” which they released under the
name Golan Globus—Brothers began receiving requests from friends and acquaintances to record them, landing spots behind the boards for groups including Professor Murder, Free Blood, Telepathe and Radio 4. Between Emm’s affinity for guitars and complex rhythms and Ryan’s knack for dancefloor bombs and technical wizardry, Brothers have carved
out a rough-around-the-edges style akin to neither vintage disco (a la DFA) nor futuristic electro (a la Ed Banger). As the architects of a new rhythmic, clanging punk, the only place left for them to build is out.


Posted: April 04, 2008
Exclusive Freeload: Brothers FADER Mix