Premiere: Indian Jewelry, “Oceans” MP3

April 15, 2010

One of the greatest musical mysteries is how a band like Indian Jewelry keeps us coming back. Their music evokes much discomfort, but we also can't get enough. "Oceans" furthers their burned out road warrior agenda—blurry synths perpetually buzzing, atonal moaning rises from the song's murk and then fading back down into the mess of electronics. It makes us feel hungover, like we're lying on a bare mattress in a cold sweat on a really nice day. If you couldn't tell, all this sounds like a really fun time. But that's the beauty of Indian Jewelry, they make bad shit feel awesome. The band's third LP Totaled comes out May 18th on Now We Are Free.

UPDATE: Turns out we were given the wrong song, listen to the actual version of "Oceans" below. It is less buzzing but somehow makes us feel more hungover.

Download: Indian Jewelry, "Oceans"

Premiere: Indian Jewelry, “Oceans” MP3