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Download Tupolev Soundcrash’s Mzansi House Classics Mixtapes

January 06, 2011

We had the great opportunity to visit South Africa during the World Cup last year (for this and this), and during our trip, we eventually made our way to The Rock, a legendary club in Soweto where beer and SA house are plentiful and the dudes do not outnumber the ladies as terribly as the above photo might indicate. One great thing about The Rock is that everyone kind of stands around, crowded tightly, doing minimal two step until a really big song comes on and then the whole place undulates in a rush of that's-my-jamness. It's sort of like being in a Japanese wave pool except you don't feel like you could drown and no one would notice until closing time. We're actually not sure if The Rock even has a closing time to be honest, but the adults we talked to throughout our trip all gave that same sour look when we mentioned so it must be late. Anyway, the DJs of Belgian collective Tupolev Soundcrash recently returned from their own trip to SA and brought back a ton of great music, gathered on two volumes below, both of which are giving us flashbacks.

MZANSI HOUSE CLASSICS VOL 1 by tupolevsoundcrash

MZANSI HOUSE CLASSICS VOL 2 by tupolevsoundcrash

Download Tupolev Soundcrash’s Mzansi House Classics Mixtapes