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Here are Eight YouTubes From Last Night’s Arctic Monkeys Show in Central Park

May 25, 2011

Most of Ryan McGinley’s "Irregular Regulars" series of photos of Morrissey concerts does not focus on the singer himself. Though he's there, an icon in McGinley's hazy yellows and greens, the true focus is the fans. The legion of Morrissey diehards is legendary, and McGinley captures their mixed ecstasy and pain in awe before their god parade onstage, blessedly come to earth just to serenade them. Watching the watchers is not an idea that began with McGinley; think of the ingrained images of teen girls hysterical for the Beatles. But, unless you expect it, it's still something to see. But what are they looking at?

The Arctic Monkeys, British twentysomethings, are worming their way into the hearts of maniac audience members everywhere. Watching them play is nice; watching the crowd watch is way better. An army of mostly teen girls know every word, including a small army of cooing, interlocked girls who volunteered at the show in order to gain brief VIP access. Everyone had their phones out. Maybe if you could see what they saw you can see what they see. This is the digital walk a mile in their shoes. Press play all at once.

Here are Eight YouTubes From Last Night’s Arctic Monkeys Show in Central Park