Last Friday, we at FADER teamed up with Urban Outfitters, Converse and Bowery Presents for 4 Artists 1 Cause, a benefit concert for Sandy relief efforts. Terminal 5 sold out thanks to a four-way bill of Sleigh Bells, Grizzly Bear, The Antlers and Cults, plus DJ support by Andrew Wyatt from Miike Snow and Roofeeo from TV on the Radio, and the night's host Har Mar Superstar. Special thanks to Aaron Stern and Geoff Renaud for helping put everything together, and all the fans who showed support for an important cause. We raised $300,000 for The Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City—all the night's proceeds—but New York still needs help. Visit the Mayor's Fund to find out how you can contribute.

Live: 4 Artists 1 Cause, A Benefit Concert for Sandy Relief Efforts
Photographer Roger Kisby
December 17, 2012