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Lee Gamble Straddles Worlds On “Motor System” Single for PAN

The London-based experimental electronic artist conjures up an insomniac’s in-between state on the first single from his new album, KOCH.

Photographer George Gatsas
August 12, 2014


There's a look in the eye of London-based artist Lee Gamble in the above photo by George Gatsas that anyone who has suffered a spot of insomnia will recognize: an air of being in-between two worlds, pulled taut in opposing directions yet caught in perpetual free-fall. Perhaps it's me projecting—or the reflection of the dusk sky light—but that disjointed sensation is also what Gamble's "Motor System" from his new album KOCH is awash in. There's a palpable weight to it, a density that pulses with the heat, moisture and bass of a thousand half-remembered nights. I can't tell if it's a haunting or the call of home, which probably means it's both. Bill Kouligas' PAN label will release KOCH on September 16.

Lee Gamble Straddles Worlds On “Motor System” Single for PAN