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Saga Crafts Precisely Synthesized Modern Grime on “Flight Risk”

The Irish producer premieres the title track from his forthcoming EP on Lit City Trax.

Saga Flight Risk
Photographer Tim & Barry
October 10, 2014

In an email conversation about Irish producer Saga with J-Cush—who runs NYC label Lit City Trax—he simply called Saga's work “modern grime. His own take on the sound that influenced him so heavily.” We like that: it’s an unfussy description of exactly what this track we're premiering today, titled “Flight Risk,” is—music 100% in the grime tradition but coming at it with an explicitly contemporary feel. Familiar elements are here—a detuned square wave bassline, an antagonistic, sinuous lead synth melody, samples and percussion that evoke video game sonics—but the result isn’t tired or overly familiar; it just comes across as really well done. Saga has a good ear for precise sound design, too, which definitely places it squarely in the present: carefully placed bits of synthesis and sound effect are strewn throughout the track, elaborating its digitally textured sense of space, providing a perfect counterpoint against which those massive half-step riffs are squarely placed front and center. Have a listen below and be on the lookout for the forthcoming Flight Risk EP due October 21st on Lit City Trax.

Posted: October 10, 2014
Saga Crafts Precisely Synthesized Modern Grime on “Flight Risk”