Kanye West Tweets In Support Of #BlackLivesMatter

‘Ye breaks his silence on current events.

December 16, 2014

Much has been made about how hip-hop's biggest stars have largely remained silent during the protests that resulted from the grand jury decisions following Michael Brown and Eric Garner's murders—but some progress, as incremental as it may seem, is taking place. J. Cole was a visible participant during protests in Ferguson, Missouri and New York City and performed his powerful protest song "Be Free" on Letterman last week, Jay Z outfitted members of the Brooklyn Nets in "I Can't Breathe" shirts last week, and now Kanye West has broken his silence on the matter, too. "600,000 people rallied for justice on Dec. 13 #BlackLivesMatter," he tweeted last night. It's not much, granted, but it'll be interesting to see whether Kanye has anything else to say on the ongoing issue, or if other artists will follow his lead.

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Kanye West Tweets In Support Of #BlackLivesMatter