
Vic Mensa Joins Lil B, Scolds James Harden For Stealing The Cooking Dance

Harden vs. Lil B continues to escalate.

May 25, 2015

The dispute between Lil B and James Harden continued to pick up speed over the weekend. Since Harden still hasn’t acknowledged the rapper’s claim that he’s stealing his cooking dance, Lil B followed through on this threat to curse the star guard, telling TMZ, "He's cursed for the rest of the playoffs and further notice until he speaks on what dance celebration he's doing and where it comes from." As Harden’s Rockets lost Game 3 to the Warriors by 35 points, Twitter exploded with Lil B-related discussion. The MC reiterated his claim that “we need answers.”

Vic Mensa chimed in too, suggesting Harden was foolish to start doing the cooking dance.


Lil B also delivered another blow to Harden by publicly announcing that Makonnen has permission to do the cooking dance whenever he wants to.


Finally, someone made this visual.


Lead Image: Frazer Harrison / Getty Images