
An Entire Graduating Class Did The Nae Nae And The Stanky Leg In Caps And Gowns

Silento’s “Watch Me” continues to inspire epic dance tributes.

June 01, 2015

A song is almost guaranteed to become a hit these days if it spawns a viral dance move. Silento’s “Watch Me” acknowledges this reality by packing instructions to several dances—“watch me Whip, now watch me Nae Nae;” “do the Stanky Leg,” “watch me Bop”—into a high-energy, 3-minute track. Due to the popularity of the song on Vine and Youtube, it’s been a massive success: according to Billboard, “Watch Me” has been on the charts for 13 weeks, and it recently cracked the top 25 on the Hot 100 and the top 10 on streaming songs.


But now all future “Watch Me” dancers will have to top a new bar. In an impressive feat of logistical coordination and dancing prowess, an entire graduating class celebrated making it through school by dancing to "Watch Me." Check out more Silento enthusiasts below.

Posted: June 01, 2015