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Talk Directly To Rome Fortune Using His New Phone App

“Dreams won’t hurt you.”

June 17, 2015

Rome Fortune now has a new phone app. The app is free, and it enables you to chat “1 on 1 with Rome.” It also provides users with easy access to the Atlanta rapper’s SoundCloud page.

To help draw attention to the app—it feels like it should be called something fun like “Rome With Me,” but it’s simply titled “Rome Fortune”—the MC also released a new track titled “Leaders.” This one is produced by Four Tet, who loops a simple, forceful breakbeat. A few keyboard notes give the whole thing a dusty, early ‘90s New York City vibe. Rome works in inspirational mode here: “dollars burn, dreams won’t/I done learned dreams won’t/hurt you.

Talk Directly To Rome Fortune Using His New Phone App