Meek Mill falls in love the same way he raps: ferociously. Right now, as you’re probably aware, the object of his affections is Nicki Minaj, and the intensity of his feelings for her keeps blurting out in different ways. Last week, he got into a Twitter argument with Joe Budden—Meek believed Budden disrespected his relationship. (Warning: The phrase “old hating noodle” was used.) The latest evidence of the depth of Meek’s sentiment appeared in the clip below. “I heard Nicki’s pregnant!” an interviewer exclaims. The MC’s response: “Nicki’s not pregnant… I wish.”
Apparently Meek forgot to tell Nicki about the interview. She found out via Twitter and issued a swift and definitive response.
Meek is on the record as a devoted father—he recently wrote a letter for Time in honor of father’s day about his relationship with his son. Read Meek’s FADER cover story here.