
Diplo Is Now A Part-Owner Of An Arizona Soccer Franchise

Phoenix’s Arizona United are now (partially) under his wing.

Photographer Meredith Jenks
January 27, 2016

Who's the superstar that's going to make soccer popular in the United States? Pelé? Nope. David Beckham? Nuh-uh. The guy who co-produced “Bubble Butt?” Yes. God, yes. Diplo and a group of investors have bought a minority stake Arizona United, a team based in Phoenix. Diplo released a statement through the team:


“I’ve been really fortunate to travel all over the world and experience different cultures through music. Wherever I am, Jamaica, Spain, England, China, etc., soccer is a social constant. I wanted to figure out a way to get involved with the game and team sports so when Arizona United presented itself, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. I see soccer the same way I see music, as a connective tissue linking the world’s cultures.”


In terms of expanding your investment portfolio and building your brand, Diplo, this move's a slam dunk!

Posted: January 27, 2016