
Novelist Celebrated His 19th Birthday With A Star-Studded Cypher

Featuring Skepta, Jammer, Chipmunk, and more.

February 11, 2016

When Novelist turned 19 earlier this year, an impressive group of MCs showed up to wish him many happy returns. They also took time to rap, because that's what they do, and much of this was captured on tape by Risky Roadz. "It was crazy," he told Noisey. "It was the first time I've heard the new wave of MCs on set like that, with a load of the original dons. For me, in there with my camera, it felt like 2004 reloaded—the energy levels in the room were crazy! A real epic moment in grime."


On Twitter, Novelist recently wrote "I'm 19 years old and I feel like a G." Watch him work his magic with Skepta, Jammer, and others below.