Modern Baseball Details Holy Ghost

And shares a pair of songs from the album.

March 03, 2016

Modern Baseball debuted new material today via NPR. Jake Ewald wrote "Every Day," while Brendan Lukens penned "Apple Cider, I Don't Mind;" both songs will appear on a forthcoming full-length titled Holy Ghost.

The two men explained the inspiration behind their tracks in emails to NPR. "I have a pretty bad memory," Ewald noted. "When I manage to remember things from my past (recent or distant), they usually seem insignificant on the surface. Nevertheless, those are the things I remember, and most of the important stuff is forgotten. 'Everyday' is a short exhibit of those insignificant memories and an attempt at understanding their importance in my life."


In contrast, Lukens' tune tackles the aftermath of a relationship. "Trust is something every growing relationship needs," he wrote. "Without trust, all your conversations are just questions and doubts. I lost my best friend and partner, and didn't know who to blame. 'Apple' is a toast to looking at past mistakes as a chance to move forward."

Holy Ghost is due out May 13. Listen below, and check out the band's tour dates with Joyce Manor and Thin Lips.

Modern Baseball Details Holy Ghost