
Watch Drake’s Producer Noah “40” Shebib Walk Through His Studio And Creative Process

“This place is here to make history. It’s not here to make money”

March 16, 2016

Noah “40” Shebib, producer for Drake and co-founder of October's Very Own, has invited Native Instruments into his studio for a demonstration and explanation of his mammoth creative presence.


It's an ad, so 40 sings the praises of their products, but he also gives a lot of insight into how he became a driving force behind one of the world's biggest stars. He credits building “literally the craziest production room ever” and a welcoming creative space as a key to his success, as well as simplicity. “Simplicity with authenticity at the same time is so difficult. But simple usually translates to real because it's not too much. It's not overdone.”

He's also quick to give credit to Drake as more than just a guy who raps over his beats. “[Drake] is a producer, by any means. He's responsible for that simplicity and he's also responsible for a lot of the sound that I'm heralded as creating, but we created together.” Check it out above and read Drake's FADER cover story here.