
Noah “40” Shebib Knocks #AllLivesMatter In Instagram Post

“When you say things like all lives matter as an alternative to Black Lives Matter, [you’re] revealing your ignorance.”

March 31, 2016

Drake and the rest of the October's Very Own camp have never expressly supported the Black Lives Matter movement since its inception, until Sunday night, with a post and comment on Instagram from OVO co-founder Noah “40” Shebib expressing solidarity with the movement.


40 shared a photo from Saturday's Black LIves Matter protest at the Toronto Police Headquarters. It depicts BLM Toronto co-founder Alexandra Williams and a sign language interpreter and features the caption “Shout outs to my brother on the front lines #blacklivesmatterto.”

Like clockwork, the phrase “All Lives Matter” started to pop up in the comments, and 40 began to explain why that's missing the point:


“It's really simple. When you say things like all lives matter as an alternative to BLM, [you're] revealing your ignorance and making it clear you miss the point. I know all lives matter. I'm a person of peace and non violence. I wish no harm on anyone. But as a visible Caucasian, you live with privilege that translates in many ways. One [seems] to be a much safer relationship with police since black children are being gunned down in US streets at an alarmingly higher rate then white children there is an unfortunate need to re-affirm this obvious truth. That black lives matter. They matter as much as mine, or yours or anyone else's. And it's painful that it needs to be said but this is reflection of our society. One we all need to recognize. ✌”🏻 ️

Black Lives Matter Toronto have released a mixtape called Toronto Black City Mixtape. Listen to that here.