
Kanye West’s Ellen Interview Is A Must-Watch

“Ye is in the building!”

May 19, 2016

It was a big week for rappers on The Ellen DeGeneres Show: Drake stopped by, and then Kanye West followed suit. As an interviewee, Kanye exists in a league of his own, and the star is in top form here—funny, inspirational, passionate, unapologetic.


He really hits his stride in the above clip around the 4:00 minute mark, and an entire daytime TV audience sits in rapt silence as Kanye riffs on Rakim, Phife Dawg, Picasso, Walt Disney, likeability, synesthesia, beauty, and more. He ends with, "I'm sorry daytime television. I'm sorry for the realness." Ellen responds, "it's not daytime television anymore."

Kanye also discussed his children and played a game; watch those clips below.