
This Is What Life Is Really Like During Ramadan

The Malaysian singer shares her favorite memories of the holy month.

June 15, 2016

To many of the world's 1.6 billion Muslims, the month of Ramadan is especially sacred. For its 30 days, practicing adults from Mecca to Michigan fast from dawn to dusk in commemoration of the moment at which God first delivered the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. For R&B singer-songwriter Yuna, who was born and raised in the Muslim-majority country of Malaysia, Ramadan offers an opportunity to connect with friends and family, to create good habits and break bad ones, and to approach work with a renewed focus.


When she stopped by our offices on the third day of Ramadan, she recounted some of her favorite Ramadan memories and offered tips on the best things to eat and drink before and after a day of fasting.

Posted: June 15, 2016