
Watch Justin Vernon Discuss Bon Iver’s 22, A Million At An In-Depth Press Conference

Vernon brought the press to Wisconsin to really get into his new album.

October 27, 2016

Prior to releasing 22, A Million, Justin Vernon of Bon Iver held a press conference at The Lakely at The Oxbow Hotel in Eau Claire, Wisonconsin. It's one of just a handful of times that Vernon has discussed his band's album and, at over 90 minutes long, he got the opportunity to open up about a whole range of subjects. A full recording of the event is now available to watch online.


During the course of the conference Vernon tells a selection of journalists from around the world about the way the album sounds, plus wider topics like working with Kanye West plus the work he is doing to promote the area of Eau Claire. Filmed from behind, you can't really see Vernon's face throughout the Q+A session, though he does wear a pretty sweet Les Miserables t-shirt.

At one point Vernon is asked what the ideal environment for listening to 22, A Million is. He replies, "A place where you can feel alone or a moment of reflection. Music in general is about self-discovery and though I think there's a danger to being self reflective, I do think it's fun to have the occasional moment. I just can't imagine listening to this album in a room with 27 other people." Check it out above.

Posted: October 27, 2016